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DwarfWoot's Public HKMP Servers

General Purpose
Server IP: hkmp.org
Port: 26950
Requires HkmpPouch
PVP is enabled, but you can play cooperatively by joining the same Team as others.
Player Map Icons are only visible for players wearing Wayward Compass.
HkmpPouch addons will work, but other HKMP Addons will not!
Co-op Only
Server IP: hkmp.org
Port: 26951
Requires HkmpPouch
PVP is disabled. Teams are still usable, but they are only visual.
Player Map Icons are always visible.
HkmpPouch addons will work, but other HKMP Addons will not!

ExtremelyD1's Public Tag Server

Server IP: tag.hkmp.org
Port: 26950
Requires HKMP Tag
This is for playing "Infection Tag".
At least 3 people must be on the server for it to start.
IMPORTANT: You cannot have addons such as HkmpPouch installed!